Invisible Parties — 10 of 31

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 3

Book - Scenery

Tangle is a region.

An unimplement is a kind of thing. An unimplement is scenery. The description of an unimplement is usually "".

Instead of doing something other than examining with an unimplement: say "Real, solid, but still just a shadow-trick."

A waymouth is a kind of thing. A waymouth is scenery. [The description of a waymouth is usually "It's not anything you can see or touch. Just a thread feeding into the tangle, a way outwards."] Understand "way" or "exit" or "road" or "road out" as a waymouth.

Instead of entering a waymouth: try going outside.

Instead of taking a waymouth: try going outside.

Instead of following a waymouth: try going outside.

the drinks are a backdrop in tangle. Instead of examining drinks: say "[the boozedesc of the location][br]". Understand "booze" or "beer" or "lager" or "wine" or "spirits" or "cocktail" or "cocktails" or "drink" or "liquor" or "punch" or "punchbowl" or "bottle" or "bottles" or "champagne" or "cider" or "scotch" as drinks.

Instead of taking the drinks: try drinking the drinks.

Instead of drinking the drinks when the location is not doomed:

say "[shortbooze of location] [one of]It's really rather good: the Rebeccas can't be accused of scrimping on their parties[or]May as well take advantage of it while it's available[or]You're maintaining a nice even buzz[or]You don't appear to be getting any drunker[stopping]."

Rule for supplying a missing noun while drinking:

if the player is regionally in tangle, now the noun is the drinks.

the tangle-ghost is a backdrop. tangle-ghost is everywhere. The printed name of tangle-ghost is "tangle". Understand "tangle" or "weave" or "ways" or "way" or "reality" or "fabric" or "here" or "room" or "world" as the tangle-ghost.

Instead of taking tangle-ghost: say "You can't manipulate the tangle directly, since you're not a weaver. You'll have to subvert it in other ways."

Instead of pushing tangle-ghost: try taking tangle-ghost.

Instead of pulling tangle-ghost: try taking tangle-ghost.

Instead of attacking tangle-ghost: try taking tangle-ghost.

Instead of entering tangle-ghost:

if the player is in an egress begin;

try going inside;


say "You're already very much inside the tangle.";

end if;

Instead of examining tangle-ghost:

if the location is an egress begin;

let X be a random room which is adjacent to the location;

if puzzlecount is 4 begin;

say "The tangle is collapsing behind you. You're probably safe here, but it wouldn't do to stick around.";

otherwise if X is destroyed;

say "You're cut off from the tangle, having irreparably damaged it at the opening-point of the Way. You could go around, link to a different way, and re-approach from another angle - but that might take days or months, and you rather doubt that it'll still be standing tomorrow.";


say "Inwards, you can sense the many-layered, artificial mess of the tangle.";

end if;


if the location is unchallenging begin;

say "[if puzzlecount > 1]Despite the damage you've done to it, t[otherwise]T[end if]he tangle feels firmly-anchored at this position.";


say "The tangle feels weaker here. It should be easier to get through to Jave.";

end if;

end if;