Apocalypse Fuel — 17 of 18

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 9

Book - Blighty

Blighty is a module in FakeStreet. The description of Blighty is "A module intended for use in a post-apocalyptic Britain, probably with a skew towards the rural West Midlands.[br][i]There are no special warnings for this mod.[/i]"

[If a mod has warning-worthy content that goes beyond the base game - e.g. a slavery mod - say so. If not, throw on the no-special-warnings tag.]

A module has a number called usage. The usage of a module is usually 0.

Instead of using Blighty:

now the usage of Blighty is the usage of Blighty + 1;

add britfood to foodkinds;

add britfort to hardfort;

add britatmo to maestroatmo;

add britshades to MaestroShades;

add britmaestrolist to maestrolist;

add britpubs to NotAPub;

add britmaenames to MaestroNames;

add britconouns to commonnouns;

add britcomnouns to complexnouns;

add britcomadjs to commonadjs;

add britpeepadjs to peopleadjs;

add britverbers to commonverbers;

add britcrews to CrewNouns;

add britminorcrews to MinorCrews;

add britroles to Roles;

add britbeasts to Beasts;

add britrulers to Rulers;

add britholders to holdernames;

add britstyles to styles;

add britchiefs to chiefnames;

add britgangers to gangernames;

add brit1syls to onesyllablenames;

add britadvweapons to advweapons;

add brithobbies to hobbies;

add britplaces to places;

add britthetic to gangeraesthetic;

add britdevils to devilnames;

say "Now in use.";

[Unfortunately, the way Inform handles values-that-vary means that they can't be stored in lists, so short of retooling everything to work as tables or objects, there's no good way to automatically reverse the process. By hand, then:]

Instead of taking off Blighty:

if the usage of Blighty > 0, now the usage of Blighty is the usage of Blighty - 1;

remove britfood from foodkinds;

remove britfort from hardfort;

remove britatmo from maestroatmo;

remove britshades from MaestroShades;

remove britmaestrolist from maestrolist;

remove britpubs from NotAPub;

remove britmaenames from MaestroNames;

remove britconouns from commonnouns;

remove britcomnouns from complexnouns;

remove britcomadjs from commonadjs;

remove britpeepadjs from peopleadjs;

remove britverbers from commonverbers;

remove britcrews from CrewNouns;

remove britminorcrews from MinorCrews;

remove britroles from Roles;

remove britbeasts from Beasts;

remove britrulers from Rulers;

remove britholders from holdernames;

remove britstyles from styles;

remove britchiefs from chiefnames;

remove britgangers from gangernames;

remove brit1syls from onesyllablenames;

remove britadvweapons from advweapons;

remove brithobbies from hobbies;

remove britplaces from places;

remove britthetic from gangeraesthetic;

remove britdevils from devilnames;

say "Removed.";

britfood is a list of texts that varies. britfood is {"dripping", "eels", "haggis", "mustard", "mutton", "stewed apples", "tongue", "brussels sprouts", "curry", "chips", "Marmite"}.

britfort is a list of texts that varies. britfort is {"in an ancient castle"}.

britatmo is a list of texts that varies. britatmo is {"half-timbers", "a fireplace", "doilies"}.

britshades is a list of texts that varies. britshades is {"Stratford", "Royal", "Avon"}.

britpubs is a list of texts that varies. britpubs is {"Barbican", "Globe", "Palace", "Proms"}.

[need to do the full brit-name-thing here?]

britsettles is a list of texts that varies. britsettles is {"Caer", "Crannog", "Dun", "Glen","Green", "Moat", "Tump"}.

britmaestrolist is a list of texts that varies. britmaestrolist is {"tea", "cheese"}.

britconouns is a list of texts that varies. britconouns is {"Arse", "Beef", "Bum", "Beer", "Bint", "Blag", "Bloke", "Chum", "Cider","Curry[reckon]", "Fart","Filth[reckon]", "Fog", "Fuzz[reckon]", "Gin", "Git", "Jam", "Knob","Lad", "Lass[*es]", "Nob", "Shed", "Shite[reckon]", "Skag", "Sod", "Tea[reckon]", "Twit", "Wank"}.

britcomnouns is a list of texts that varies. britcomnouns is {"Ackers", "Aga", "Anorak", "Aftering", "Bab", "Baccy", "Battlebus", "Bell-end", "Berk", "Bifta", "Bodkin", "Bollocks", "Bovver", "Borstal", "Briar", "Brambles", "Brolly", "Buggery", "Bumfluff", "Byblow", "Cagoule", "Canker", "Champers", "Chav", "Chokey", "Cobblers", "Cockwomble", "Counterscarp", "Crabfat", "Crumpet", "Curtains", "Custard", "Daffock", "Digestive", "Dipstick","Divvy", "Dobbin", "Dodder", "Doss", "Drinkmeat", "Dubbin", "Endolphin", "Embuggerance", "Estuary", "Fanny", "Fuckwit", "Gallows", "Gammon", "Gangrel", "Gherkin", "Gibbon", "Gobshite", "Goolies", "Gorse", "Goshawk", "Grass", "Grebo", "Griskin", "Gryke", "Halfpint", "Handbags", "Hawthorn", "Heathen", "Hedgerow", "Herring", "Hinderling", "Hobnob", "Jalfrezi", "Jollop", "Jumble", "Khazi", "Khyber", "Kipper", "Kitbag", "Knickers", "Knuckleduster", "Lager", "Landrover", "Lucozade", "Lummock", "Marlock", "Marmalade", "Marmite", "Maundrel", "Mawkin", "Minge", "Misfortune", "Mooey", "Mouldiwarp", "Muppet", "Mutton", "Nimby", "No-mates", "Numpty", "Oddment", "Oddling", "Offy","Organ", "Pavement", "Petrol", "Prat", "Quango", "Recce", "Rizla", "Rugby", "Parnsip", "Pakora", "Para", "Paracetamol", "Physog", "Pillock", "Pikelet", "Prick", "Pudding", "Rantipole", "Salop", "Scran", "Scrottock", "Shitgibbon", "Shithouse", "Shoat", "Skinnymalink", "Slag", "Slummock", "Sniggle", "Snowdrop", "Soakaway", "Sparrowfart", "Spliff", "Spoon", "Splosh", "Stilton", "Syllabub", "Sarnie", "Scoundrel", "Septic", "Smeg", "Spatchcock", "Sparrowhawk", "Stob", "Tater", "Teatime", "Tetley", "Toastie", "Todger", "Toerag", "Tosspiece", "Totty", "Townie", "Treacle", "Trammel", "Tramp", "Trousers", "Truncheon", "Twat", "Twattery", "Turnip", "Undercrackers", "Undergrundies","[one of]Tuppence[or]Sixpence[or]Ha'penny[or]Farthing[or]Penny[or]Shilling[purely at random]", "Vindaloo", "Wankstain", "Wellington", "Windup", "Wurzel", "Zawn", "[one of][pop commonnouns][or][pop commonnouns][or][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][purely at random]-arse"}.

britcomadjs is a list of texts that varies. britcomadjs is {"Auld", "Awful", "Braw","Buggered", "Claggy", "Craven", "Daggy", "Duff", "Owd", "Owdrey", "Royal", "Ruddy", "Sad", "Soggy", "Top", "Wee", "Wrongous"}.

britpeepadjs is a list of texts that varies. britpeepadjs is {"Addled", "Alkie", "Awkward", "Banjax", "Barmy", "Beastly", "Brassy", "Brummie", "Cack-handed", "Canny", "Cheeky","Clitter", "Common", "Daft", "Diamond", "Dowsy", "Fit", "Gammy", "Ginger", "Grotty", "Guff", "Horrid", "Hoity", "Jammy", "Jelly","Latesome", "Likely", "Manky", "Mardy","Mucky", "Mythering", "Naff", "Nesh", "Noggy", "Peaky", "Posh","Radge", "Rascally", "Sarky", "Shagless", "Shaggable", "Shirty", "Shitty", "Shonky", "Silly", "Skewbald", "Squiffy", "Stonking", "Solid", "Stingy", "Stout", "Stroppy", "Thick", "Tidy", "Ugsome", "Unco", "Wibbly", "Yampy", "Zozzled", "Weedy"}.

britverbers is a list of texts that varies. britverbers is {"Belter", "Beggar", "Bibber", "Bleeder", "Blighter", "Bodger", "Bufter", "Cadger", "Clouter", "Dobber", "Dogger", "Duffer", "Flusker", "Gasper", "Gobber", "Grasser", "Harrier", "Infanger", "Jarker", "Knacker", "Lamper", "Perisher", "Porter", "Plonker","Mincer", "Munger", "Nobbler", "Punter", "Rustler", "Scrubber", "Slapper", "Swiver", "Swizzer", "Tosser", "Tupper", "Worrier", "Yomper"}.

britcrews is a list of texts that varies. britcrews is {"Fam", "Lads", "Lasses", "Rudeboys"}.

britminorcrews is a list of texts that varies. britminorcrews is {"Cunts", "Barmy Army"}.

britroles is a list of texts that varies. britroles is {"Arsehole", "Bairn", "Blagger", "Boffin","Bounder", "Chancer", "Codger", "Copper", "Curate", "Darling", "Dingbat", "Gawby","Geezer","Gobshite", "Gurkha", "Gurrier", "Hinny","Kerbcrawler", "Lout","Monger", "Mucker","Muppet", "Nob","Nutter", "Oik", "Pongo", "Pranny","Rambler", "Rompstal", "Rozzer", "Scall[*ies]", "Scanger", "Sheepshagger","Shitgibbon","Skiver","Spiv", "Scunner", "Scouser","Squaddie", "Tart", "Tinker", "Toff","Toper", "Tosspot", "Tryhard", "Vicar", "Wankette", "Wazzock", "Weegie","Winger", "Wideboy","Yob","Yobbo"}.

britbeasts is a list of texts that varies. britbeasts is {"Adder", "Badger", "Boggart", "Cod[reckon]", "Dupp[*ies]", "Eel", "Falcon", "Ferret", "Grindylow", "Hedgehog", "Kelpie", "Kestrel", "Magpie", "Monkey", "Nit", "Polecat", "Pike[reckon]", "Shitehawk", "Stoat", "Trout[reckon]"}.

britrulers is a list of texts that varies. britrulers is {"Buffer", "Gaffer", "Granny", "Guv", "Guvnor", "Maister", "Mater", "Pater", "Plough[*man]", "Squire", "Slaphead", "Slowcoach","Steward"}.

britstyles is a list of texts that varies. britstyles is {"tweed", "tartan", "waterproof"}.

britthetic is a list of texts that varies. britthetic is {"plus-fours", "tracksuit", "cravat", "tweed", "tartan", "waterproof"}.

britholders is a list of texts that varies. britholders is {"Aed","Bess", "Brigid", "Bronwen", "Clive", "Cranmer", "Chandra", "Hob", "Ingram", "Jagoda","Kaur", "Macnab", "Mercia", "Morgause", "Munro", "Nora", "Oldway", "Oskar", "Portia", "Ulfred", "Rhona", "Toby", "Wyndham"}.

britchiefs is a list of texts that varies. britchiefs is {"Asbo", "Agnes", "Baz", "Blazej", "Col", "Bertrand", "Billy", "Blodwyn", "Cade", "Carys", "Chaz", "Cowper", "Des", "Esme", "Fergal", "Gordon", "Grimwald", "Harry", "Idris", "Krish", "Manoj", "Marek", "Millicent", "Meera", "Montfort", "Morag", "Nelson", "Olga", "Rada", "Rao", "Rodge", "Sarn", "Stanislaw", "Rowan", "Stanley", "Teasel", "Wyatt", "[one of]Deep[or]Goj[or]Gur[or]Jam[or]Jat[or]Raj[or]Ram[or]Subh[or]Suj[or]Satv[or]Taj[or]Vij[purely at random]inder"}.

britmaenames is a list of texts that varies. britmaenames is {"Bumble", "Chauncy", "Fabian", "Galahad", "Genevieve", "Gillofer", "Hugh", "Kaja", "Mayfair", "Nesbitt", "Niamh", "Ogilvy", "Oliver", "Poppy", "Sloane", "Zuzana"}.

britgangers is a list of texts that varies. britgangers is {"Alfie", "Alun", "Ajay", "Arthur", "Bert", "Bim", "Clo", "Craig", "Daz", "Denise", "Dig", "Dot", "Dunc", "Ellie", "Euan", "Flo", "Flop", "Gavin", "Geech", "Gibney", "Gita", "Hodges", "Holt", "Hubert", "Iain", "Jace", "Jade", "Jan", "Jenkin", "Jethro", "Jez", "Kamil", "Kalina", "Keef", "Kev", "Liam", "Malkin", "Mel", "Mikolaj", "Morris", "Muggins", "Neil","Norman", "Norris", "Oggy", "Owen", "Peel", "Peg", "Pola", "Sankey", "Sheila", "Sissot", "Rajiv", "Reg", "Rick", "Rodney", "Ron", "Rory", "Szymon", "Tabby", "Tam", "Tib", "Tim", "Tiff", "Tolly", "Topsy", "Tracy", "Trish", "Vicky", "Vij", "Vim", "Wat", "Wilf", "Willum", "Zenon", "[zza]", "[zza]", "[zza]", "[zza]"}.

brit1syls is a list of texts that varies. brit1syls is {"Aed","Bess","Hob","Baz","Cade", "Chaz", "Col","Des", "Dig", "Sarn","Bert", "Bim", "Clo", "Craig", "Daz", "Dot","Dunc","Flo","Jade", "Jan", "Jez", "Keef", "Kev","Mel","Peg","Rick","Ron","Tam", "Tib", "Tiff","Tim","Vij", "Vim", "Wat"}.

britadvweapons is a list of texts that varies. britadvweapons is {"claymore", "kukri"}.

brithobbies is a list of texts that varies. brithobbies is {"dogging"}.

britplaces is a list of texts that varies. britplaces is {"heath", "fen", "field", "loch", "moor", "mound", "skerry", "sea", "slamp", "slunk"}.

britdevils is a list of texts that varies. britdevils is {"Aed", "Aengus", "Aine", "Amaethon", "Annis", "Arawn", "Barleycorn", "Beowa", "Boudihillia", "Bran", "Brigantia", "Brigid", "Cailleach", "Cerridwen", "Culloch", "Crom", "Dagda", "Epona", "Etain", "Eusa", "Finvarra", "Frig", "Gefjun", "George", "Goodfellow", "Gloriana", "Gofannon", "Gwynanud", "Jack", "Lludd", "Llyr", "Lugh", "Merlin", "Moguns", "Morrigan", "Nemain", "Nicnevin", "Nodens", "Ostara", "Rigantona", "Scathach", "Shuck", "Senuna", "Suria", "Taranis", "Thor", "Weland", "Woden"}.

To say zza:

say "[one of]B[or]Br[or]Bl[or]C[or]Cr[or]Ch[or]Chr[or]Cl[or]Chl[or]D[or]Dr[or]F[or]Fr[or]Fl[or]G[or]Gr[or]Gl[or]H[or]J[or]J[or]J[or]K[or]Kr[or]Kl[or]L[or]M[or]N[or]P[or]Pr[or]Pl[or]R[or]S[or]Sp[or]Sh[or]St[or]Spr[or]Sn[or]T[or]Tr[or]V[or]W[or]Z[purely at random]";

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds begin;

say "[one of]az[or]ez[or]ee[or]er[or]iz[or]oz[or]uz[purely at random]";

say "z[one of]a[or]a[or]er[purely at random]";


say "[one of]a[or]e[or]i[or]o[or]u[purely at random][one of]z[or]v[purely at random]";

end if;