Apocalypse Fuel — 16 of 18

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 9

Volume - Modules

A module is a kind of thing. A module is scenery.

Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Understand "[something]" as using.

Modding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "mods" as modding.

Instead of modding:

place an "hr" element;

say "[b]Modules[/b] add to Apocalypse Fuel's lists (or, more rarely, remove entries), tweaking the output to better suit your game's setting or other preferences about content. Presently available mods are:[p]";

repeat with N running through modules begin;

say "[b][N][if usage of N > 0] (weight: [usage of N])[end if][/b][br][description of N][br]";

place a link to command "use [N]" reading "Use ", without showing the command;

say " | ";

place a link to command "remove [N]" reading "Remove ", without showing the command;

say "[p]";

end repeat;

Rule for writing a paragraph about a module: do nothing.

[say "[b]Available mods:[/b] [the list of modules in the location].";]

[When play begins:

repeat with N running through modules begin;

silently try using N;

end repeat;]

[If anybody wants to concoct their own modules, I'd be very willing to add them.

A module should be *themed* - that is, the kind of thing where someone might say 'I want my campaign to focus a lot on X'. A bunch of assorted corpora suggestions isn't a module: they should just be added to the base lists.

Good subject-matter for corpora include:

- specific regions of the world, like Blighty,

- biomes, like Marshlands,

- a focus on a particular aspect of Apocalypse World, especially one not heavily represented here already

- content that AW doesn't typically focus on, but which could be made to fit into the world; Fallout-style future-past tech, body-horror and mutation

Some of the existing variable text isn't popped out to lists, and therefore can't be changed by modules; these are generally smaller and more specialised lists, but there isn't a deep principle against them varying more. If a module ought to add things to one of these variations, pulling the whole thing out into a modifiable list is perfectly fine.

Although modules will probably mostly comprise list additions, there's no reason why they can't include more complicated functions. The base code might have to be updated a bit in future to more readily accomodate, e.g., the possibility of new categories of gang.]