Part 3 - Library Messages
To decide which snippet is what was misunderstood:
(- (((wn - 1) * 100) + (WordCount() - 2)) -) .
To decide which snippet is the misunderstood word:
(- (((wn - 1) * 100) + 1) -) .
To decide if the misunderstood word is known elsewhere:
(- (wn--, NextWord() ~= 0) -) .
Table of custom library messages (continued)
library-action | library-message-id | library-message-text |
-- | 10 | "[m10]" |
-- | 30 | "[m30]" |
-- | 38 | "[m38]" |
-- | 49 | "[m49]" |
-- | 59 | "[m59]" |
Taking action | 10 | "[take10]" |
To say m10:
if the current game is Mountains of Ket or the current game is Take One or the current game is Great Escape begin;
say "[m38]";
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "[co]The parser won't even accept input if there's no text entered. Is this a good thing? Discuss.[/co]";
otherwise if the current game is Dracula;
say "¿Perdón?";
say "I beg your pardon?";
end if;
To say take10:
if the current game is Big Creepy House begin;
say "I think about taking [the noun] with me, but it's probably better off where it is.";
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "You can't.";
otherwise if the current game is Take One;
say "Indianette Jones[indywhine] can't take [the noun]!";
otherwise if the current game is Dracula;
say "Difícilmente podría llevarme eso.";
say "[That's-They're of the library message object] hardly portable.";
end if;
To say m30:
if the current game is Mountains of Ket begin;
say "I'm sorry, but I don't know what a ['][the misunderstood word]['] is.";
otherwise if the current game is Samhain;
say "Off in the distance, the choir of beautiful yet invisible angels that watches over you constantly-- they gasp. Their leader comforts them. 'It's okay,' he says. 'Sometimes this tactless brute will indeed use the word ['][the misunderstood word]['], but we are mature enough to ignore that.' Then he cuts the cheese, and they all giggle.";
[This works rather imperfectly.]
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "You can't.";
otherwise if the current game is Dracula;
say "No veo eso que dices.";
otherwise if the current game is Take One;
say "Indianette Jones sees no such thing.";
otherwise if the current game is Great Escape;
say "You see no such thing.";
say "[We] can't see any such thing.";
end if;
To say m38:
if the current game is Mountains of Ket begin;
say "Sorry, but I don't know how to do that.";
otherwise if the current game is Samhain;
say "[m30]";
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "Sorry, I don't understand that.[br]Try some different words.";
otherwise if the current game is Dracula;
say "Lo siento, no entiendo eso. Prueba con otras palabras[note 164].";
otherwise if the current game is Big Creepy House;
say "I didn't understand that sentence.";
otherwise if the current game is Take One;
say "I don't understand what you mean!";
otherwise if the current game is Great Escape;
say "Ooougghh?";
say "That's not a verb I recognise.";
end if;
To say m49:
if the current game is Mountains of Ket begin;
say "I'm sorry, but I don't know what a [']['] is.";
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "You can't.";
otherwise if the current game is Dracula;
say "¿Qué tengo que [recap of command]?";
otherwise if the current game is Take One or the current game is Great Escape;
let N be indexed text;
let N be "[recap of command]";
let Q be N in sentence case;
say "[Q] what?";
say "What do you want[if the person asked is not the player] [the person asked][end if] to [recap of command]?";
end if;
To say m59:
if the current game is Mountains of Ket begin;
say "[m38]";
otherwise if the current game is Sweet Sixteen;
say "Sorry, I don't understand that.[br]Try some different words.";
say "You must supply a noun.";
end if;
Xyzzying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzying.
Instead of xyzzying:
if the current game is:
-- Mountains of Ket: say "[m38]";
-- Sweet Sixteen: say "[m38]";
-- Big Creepy House: say "[b]At End of Road[/b][br]I am standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. A small stream flows out of the building and down a gully.[p]...Snap out of it, self! This is no time to be daydreaming!";
-- Take One: say "I'm sorry, but XYZZY doesn't do anything special in this game!";
-- Great Escape: say "I'm sorry, but XYZZY doesn't do anything special in this game!";
-- nongame: say "Magic has helped you in the past, but only within games.";
-- otherwise: say "That's not a verb I recognise.";
Instead of jumping:
if the current game is:
-- Mountains of Ket: say "[m38]";
-- Dracula: say "Eso no me ayudará.";
-- Sweet Sixteen: say "[m38]";
-- Big Creepy House: say "I jump on the spot, fruitlessly.";
-- ARGH's: say "Wheee-boinng.";
-- Take One: say "Wheee-boinng.";
-- nongame: say "Jumping is inadvisable when negotiating caves.";
-- otherwise: say "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly.";
Instead of singing:
if the current game is:
-- Mountains of Ket: say "[m38]";
-- Dracula:
say "Canto fatal.";
bandname 1;
-- Sweet Sixteen: say "[m38]";
-- Samhain: say "A singing pumpkin? How cuuuuuute.";
-- Big Creepy House: say "My singing is abominable.";
-- ARGH's: say "You sing a little song.";
-- Take One: say "Indianette Jones[indywhine] sings a little song.";
-- nongame: say "You subvocalise a few tuneless lines. The tunnels eat the echo.";
-- otherwise: say "[m38]";
An unimplement is a kind of thing. An unimplement is scenery.
Instead of doing something with an unimplement:
say "[co]That's unimplemented, it would appear.[/co]";
Instead of doing something when the second noun is an unimplement:
say "[co][The second noun] is unimplemented, it would appear.[/co]";