Invisible Parties — 6 of 31

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 3

Volume - Worldkennings

[A room has a number called heat. The heat of a room is usually 0.

A room has a number called business. The business of a room is usually 0.

Originally, the idea was that the game would work something like travel through Zelazny's Amber: by navigating in directions, you'd change variables that would determine the world, phasing stuff into existence around certain loci. This quickly got abandoned as too experimental to adequately test in the allotted time.

The idea is preserved, sort of, in the distribution of the rooms: the idea was that the east-west active would run from activity to inactivity, and the north-south one from emotionally intense to cool. This is preserved a *little* - the top-right cluster are all kind of crazy in the same way, and the bottom-left similarly washed-out, but I'm not sure that it's an obvious arrangement, and it doesn't hold up in all its particulars.]

A room has some text called closeclue.

A room has some text called desolation.

A room has some text called demise.

A room has some text called tsadesc.

A room has some text called javeinit.

A room has some text called javecostume.

A room has some text called singdesc. The singdesc of a room is usually "You don't have much of a voice, and this doesn't seem like the place for it."

A room has some text called dancedesc. The dancedesc of a room is usually "Not the place, not the mood."