Apocalypse Fuel — 11 of 18

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 9


To gang-define:

let X be a random number between 0 and 3;

let DESC be "";

if the variety of the current gang is alliance or the variety of the current gang is faction, now X is X - 1;

now the size of the current gang is X;

if X is -1, say "[b]barely a gang[/b] - 5 or so no-account assholes. ([pop whysosmall].) ";

if X is 0 begin;

say "a [b]small[/b] gang - 10-20 violent bastards. ";

now DESC is "small";

otherwise if X is 1;

say "a [b]medium[/b] gang - 40 violent bastards. ";

now DESC is "medium";

otherwise if X is 2;

say "a [b]large[/b] gang - 60 violent bastards. ";

now DESC is "large";

otherwise if X > 2;

say "an [b]army[/b] - 100 or more violent bastards. ";

now DESC is "extra-large";

end if;


let F be a random number from -1 to 1;

now the harm of the current gang is the harm of the current gang + F;

if the harm of the current gang is 1 begin;

say "They're [b]poorly armed[/b][pop badharm]; ";

end if;

if the harm of the current gang is 2 begin;

say "They're [b]adequately armed[/b], ";

end if;

if the harm of the current gang is 3 begin;

say "They're [b]well armed[/b][pop goodharm]; ";

end if;

let G be a random number from -1 to 1;

now the armor of the current gang is the armor of the current gang + G;

if the armor of the current gang is 0 begin;

say "and [one of][b]unarmored[/b], [pop noarmor][or]their [b]unarmored[/b] style involves [aestheticsample][purely at random]. ";

end if;

if the armor of the current gang is 1 begin;

say "and [b]armored[/b] [pop basicarmor][one of][or], [armorphrase][purely at random]. ";

end if;

if the armor of the current gang is 2 begin;

say "and [b]heavily armored[/b] [pop goodarmor][one of][or], [armorphrase][purely at random]. ";

end if;

let SV be a random number from 1 to 3;

if SV is 3 begin;

say "They are [b]disciplined[/b]. ";


say "They are [b]savage[/b]. ";

now DESC is the substituted form of "[DESC] savage";

end if;

let SQ be a random number from 1 to 5;

if SQ is 1 begin;

say "They are [b]filthy and unwell[/b]. ";

otherwise if SQ is 2;

say "They are [b]loose-knit[/b], with members coming and going as they choose. ";

end if;

say "They[one of] are mainly driven by[or] are fueled by[or] are primarily motivated by[or] mostly care about[purely at random] [pop motivations]. ";

say "They are under the [pop leadershipstyles] leadership of [b][bosspop namegangchief][/b]. [gangplan].";

if X is -1 or nerdage is false begin;

do nothing;


say "[br]([harm of the current gang]-harm gang [DESC] [armor of the current gang]-armor)[br]";

end if;

To say armorphrase:

say "[one of]to which most members add[or]accessorized with[or]which most of them set off with[purely at random] [one of][pop gangeraesthetic][or][aestheticsample][purely at random]";

badharm is a list of texts that varies. badharm is {", chronically short on ammunition and forced to conserve it", ": with few guns, they mostly rely on [one of]bows[or]javelins[or]crossbows[or]molotovs[or]atl-atls[or]slings[or]harpoons[purely at random] and melee weapons", ", with guns in bad disrepair and liable to misfire", ", if only because they're notoriously terrible shots"}.

goodharm is a list of texts that varies. goodharm is {": they all bristle with backup weapons", ": they use vintage weapons and maintain them in immaculate condition", ", including at least one [pop advweapons]", ", plus they're all packing [plure][pop basicweapon][s]", ": they are trained and battle-hardened fighters"}.

basicarmor is a list of texts that varies. basicarmor is {"in bondage gear", "in road leathers", "in athletic pads and helmets", "in mismatched, cobbled-together scrounge armor", "in raw leathers", "in sturdy work clothes"}.

goodarmor is a list of texts that varies. goodarmor is {"in pre-Fall riot gear", "in pre-Fall military gear", "in cobbled-together steel plate"}.

noarmor is a list of texts that varies. noarmor is {"going naked except for [one of]war-paint[or]vivid body paint[or]tattoos[or]mud and grease[or]body oil[or]battle trophies[or]boots and masks[or]amazing hair[purely at random]","in [pop styles] gear"}.

mobnames is a list of texts that varies. mobnames is {"[one of][pop commonnouns][or][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][or][pop complexnouns][or][pop placenames][or][pop alladjs][purely at random] [pop CrewNouns]",

"[one of][pop commonnouns][or][pop commonadjs][purely at random] [pop commonnouns] [pop CrewNouns]",

"[one of][pop commonnouns] [or][pop commonadjs] [or][pop peopleadjs] [purely at random][plure][pop Beasts][s]",

"[one of][pop commonnouns][or][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][purely at random] [plure][pop Roles][s]",

"[plure][pop Roles][s]",

"[pop commonverbers]s",

"[plure][pop Beasts][s]"}.

whysosmall is a list of texts that varies. whysosmall is {

"They splintered off from the [pop mobnames] after [one of]a failed coup[or]a bloody succession struggle[or]a stupid-ass squabble[or]a messy break-up[or]a disagreement over loot[or]a vicious betrayal[or]the chief died and the whole gang fell apart[or]prolonged hard times[purely at random]",

"The gang was nearly wiped out[one of][or] in a turf war[or] by raiders[or] by disease[or] by famine[or] by infighting[or] by their rivals[or] in a road-war[or] by a natural disaster[purely at random], and they're the last survivors",

"They're too useless for a real gang to take [']em",

"They[one of]... don't play well with others[or][']re too crazy and mean for anyone else to put up with[or][']re jerks[purely at random]",

"They're real close to one another, and newcomers can't compete"


CrewNouns is a list of texts that varies. CrewNouns is {"Girls", "Boys", "Crew", "Mob", "Lot", "Gang", "Posse", "Girls", "Boys", "Crew", "Mob", "Lot", "Gang", "Posse", "Girls", "Boys", "Crew", "Mob", "Gang", "Posse", "Bunch", "Clique", "Team", "Squad", "Club", "Collective", "Massive", "Crowd", "Outfit", "Pack", "Set", "Cell", "Faction", "Skins", "League", "Family", "Band", "Society", "Militia", "Bloods", "Lizzies", "Razors", "Warriors", "Juggalos", "Rovers", "Raiders", "Bandits", "Company", "Bastards", "Bitches", "[pop MinorCrews]", "[pop MinorCrews]", "Dogs", "People", "Folk", "Culture", "Punks", "Toughs", "Clan", "Tribe", "Brotherhood", "Sisterhood", "Cult", "Outlaws", "Legends", "[plure][pop Beasts][s]", "[pop commonnouns]boys", "[pop commonnouns]girls","Freaks", "Crazies", "Men", "Women", "Chapter", "Hellions", "[pop commonverbers]s"}.

MinorCrews is a list of texts that varies. MinorCrews is {"Elks Lodge", "Film Society", "Fraternal Order", "Freemasons", "Ladies Bridge Club", "Neighbourhood Watch", "Residents Association", "Yacht Club", "Women's Institute", "Stalwarts", "Irregulars", "Young Conservatives", "Motorcycle Club", "Pigeon Fanciers", "Rotarians", "Templars", "Rosicrucians", "Illuminati", "People's Front", "Liberation Army", "Resistance Army", "Division", "Housecarls", "Musketeers", "Army", "Impi", "Shaolin Temple", "Dojo", "Chapter", "Mafia", "Horde","Goons", "Cats", "Temple", "Association", "Marauders", "Thugs", "Accord", "Rollergirls", "Police", "Pirates", "Perverts", "Rangers", "Scum", "People", "Brigade" }.

PluralCrews is a list of texts that varies. PluralCrews is {"Girls", "Boys", "Girls", "Boys", "Girls", "Boys", "Skins", "Bloods", "Lizzies", "Razors", "Warriors", "Juggalos", "Rovers", "Raiders", "Bandits", "Bastards", "Bitches", "Dogs", "Punks", "Toughs", "Outlaws", "[plure][pop Beasts][s]", "[pop commonnouns]boys", "[pop commonnouns]girls","Freaks", "Crazies", "Men", "Women", "People", "Folk", "Hellions", "[pop commonverbers]s", "[pop smolplurecrews]"}.

smolplurecrews is a list of texts that varies. smolplurecrews is {"Freemasons", "Stalwarts", "Irregulars", "Young Conservatives", "Pigeon Fanciers", "Rotarians", "Templars", "Rosicrucians", "Illuminati","Housecarls", "Musketeers", "Impi","Goons", "Cats", "Temple", "Association", "Marauders", "Thugs", "Rollergirls", "Police", "Pirates", "Perverts", "Rangers", "Scum", "Legends"}.

SingCrews is a list of texts that varies. SingCrews is {"Crew", "Mob", "Lot", "Gang", "Posse", "Crew", "Mob", "Lot", "Gang", "Posse", "Crew", "Mob", "Gang", "Posse", "Bunch", "Clique", "Team", "Squad", "Club", "Collective", "Massive", "Crowd", "Outfit", "Pack", "Set", "Cell", "Faction", "League", "Family", "Band", "Society", "Militia","Company","Culture", "People", "Folk", "Clan", "Tribe", "Brotherhood", "Sisterhood", "Cult","Men", "Women", "Chapter","Army", "[pop smolsingcrews]"}.

smolsingcrews is a list of texts that varies. smolsingcrews is {"Elks Lodge", "Film Society", "Fraternal Order","Ladies Bridge Club", "Neighbourhood Watch", "Residents Association", "Yacht Club", "Women's Institute", "Motorcycle Club", "People's Front", "Liberation Army", "Resistance Army", "Division", "Shaolin Temple", "Dojo", "Chapter", "Mafia", "Horde","Accord", "Brigade"}.

chiefnames is a list of texts that varies. chiefnames is {"Alice", "America", "Anouk", "Athens", "Bane", "Blau", "Bly", "Bors", "Boris", "Bosco", "Buzz", "Caldera", "Carnita", "Cesar", "Clench", "Colt", "Cope", "Daddy", "Dixie", "Doro", "Fenris", "Flay", "Gert", "Gerda", "Goldie", "Gunn", "Gunifer", "Hark", "Hilde", "Hock", "Ines", "Jane", "Jeb", "Jenny", "Juck", "Kate", "Katherine","Krauss", "Kwame", "Lars", "Jank", "Jans", "Lauter", "Lefty", "Lilian", "Lita", "Lud", "Luz", "Lobo", "Luba", "Manzanita", "Mar", "Marge", "Mako", "Melia", "Mo", "Morgan", "Mugs", "Mungo", "Omar", "Pinkie", "Rache", "Radomir", "Rolf", "Scow", "Sev", "Stockard", "Sukie", "Svetlana", "Taura", "Tetsuya", "Thirston", "Thunder", "Tor", "Twyla", "Vetch", "Viv", "Voss", "Vratislava", "Yaz", "Zaynab", "Zero", "Zhi", "Zor", "Zog", "[pop holdernames]", "[neoname]"}.

leadershipstyles is a list of texts that varies. leadershipstyles is {"balanced", "beloved", "bloody", "brilliant", "brutal", "capable", "cautious", "charismatic", "compassionate", "corrupt", "crumbling", "decadent", "dedicated", "despairing", "desperate", "divide-and-conquer", "dog-eat-dog", "driven", "dutiful", "efficient", "egotistical", "embattled", "erratic", "even-handed", "exacting", "experienced", "fatalistic", "flagging", "foolhardy", "fragile", "grim", "haphazard", "half-assed", "heartless", "hopeless", "indulgent", "inexperienced", "inspiring", "long-established", "mediocre", "meteoric", "micro-managing", "monstrous", "murderous", "narcissistic", "negligent", "nepotistic", "new-forged", "nurturing", "paranoid", "precarious", "principled", "reluctant", "respected", "risk-avoidant", "ruthless", "sadistic", "seat-of-the-pants", "selfless", "self-serving", "self-sacrificing", "shambolic", "shrewd", "single-minded", "stagnant", "steady", "stern", "uncompromising", "unwavering", "venal", "wise"}.

resourcelist is a list of texts that varies. resourcelist is {"arts", "clothing", "electricity", "expertise", "fertility", "food", "fresh water", "luxuries", "manpower", "medicine", "news", "privacy", "protection", "rest", "shelter", "sex", "trade", "warmth"}.

motivations is a list of texts that varies. motivations is {

"hunger - they're starving",

"thirst - they have too little clean water",

"greed - they want gear for pleasure or trade",

"scarcity - they're short of resources in general, and need barter goods",

"order - they're dealing with internal conflict, and that drives how they deal with the rest of the world",

"conformity - they hate and fear anyone who's not like them",

"territory - they want your turf",

"glory - they want to do great deeds",

"pride - they cannot stand to lose face",

"arrogance - they see themselves as naturally superior",

"sickness - they urgently require medicine and treatment",

"dominance - they want to show you who's boss",

"fear - they're terrified of someone or something",

"hedonism - they just want a good time",

"bloodlust - they really enjoy violence",

"vengeance - they want to punish the guilty",

"travel - they want free movement and safe passage",

"justice - they want to right a perceived wrong",

"faith - they have a divine mandate",

"obligation - they have a serious debt to repay",

"independence - they have a horror of being manipulated or controlled",

"in-brain puppet strings - a brainer (or something worse) has them on a leash"}.

puritylist is a list of texts that varies. puritylist is {"bathing", "body mods", "cussing", "electricity", "extramarital sex", "fiction", "flirting", "gambling", "games", "haircuts", "hi-tech gear", "immodest clothing", "intoxicants", "leisure", "lies", "masturbation", "meat", "music", "shaving", "solitude", "certain sex acts", "visual arts", "writing"}.

namegangchief is a list of texts that varies. namegangchief is {"[pop gangertitle]",

"[one of][pop commonnouns] [or][pop complexnouns] [or][pop beasts] [or][pop Rulers] [or][pop Roles] [or][pop commonadjs] [or][pop peopleadjs] [or][pop commonverbers] [or][purely at random][namepop chiefnames]",

"[namepop chiefnames][one of] [pop commonverbers][or] [pop commonnouns][or] [pop Beasts][or][purely at random]"


gangertitle is a list of texts that varies. gangertitle is {"[pop gangernames]",

"[one of][pop commonnouns][or][pop complexnouns][or][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][or][pop commonverbers][or][pop Roles][purely at random] [namepop gangernames]",

"[pop commonnouns][one of]face[or]dick[or]eye[or]head[or] Girl[or] Boy[or] Kid[purely at random]",

"[one of][pop commonadjs] [or][purely at random][pop Beasts]",

"[one of][pop complexnouns][or][pop commonverbers][or][namepop gangernames][purely at random]",

"[namepop gangernames] [one of][pop complexnouns][or][pop commonadjs][or][pop commonverbers][purely at random]",

"[letterpop]-[one of][namepop gangernames][or][pop commonnouns][or][pop onesyllablenames][or][pop Beasts][purely at random]",

"[one of][pop commonadjs][or][namepop gangernames][or][namepop allbasicnames][or][pop peopleadjs][or][pop Roles][or][pop complexnouns][purely at random] [letterpop]",

"[one of][pop peopleadjs][or][pop commonverbers][or][pop commonadjs][purely at random] [namepop onesyllablenames][one of] [pop complexnouns][or][purely at random]",

"[one of][or][pop commonadjs] [or][pop complexnouns] [or][pop commonnouns] [purely at random][pop Roles]",

"[pop Beasts] [pop commonverbers]",

"[one of][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][purely at random]",

"[pop complexnouns] [pop commonnouns]",

"[pop gangernames] [one of][plure][pop basicverbs][s][or][plure][pop soloverbs][s][or][pop basicverbs][or][pop soloverbs][purely at random]",

"[pop shortadjs][one of][downpop lesslist][or][downpop shortbeasts][or][downpop commonnouns][purely at random]",

"[one of][pop commonadjs][or][pop peopleadjs][purely at random] [pop complexnouns]"


gangernames is a list of texts that varies. gangernames is {"Ails", "Alexa", "Arp", "Akim", "Baby", "Bai", "Bon", "Boo", "Bang", "Bing", "Bit", "Biz", "Bo","Bodie", "Bogie", "Brat", "Brin", "Bruskie", "Bub", "Bud", "Buddy", "Butch", "Char", "Chance", "Clam", "Chowder", "Cooter", "Clootie", "Cuff", "Crille", "Crupper", "Daff", "Dash", "Darold", "Dez", "Di", "Diego", "Digby", "Ditto", "Doof", "Doom", "Dou", "Doug", "Drib", "Emmett", "Emily", "Emoji", "Ethane", "Expo", "Garth", "Georgie", "Hoop", "Festus", "Fidget", "Filter", "Flick", "Flower", "Fran", "Fred", "Fry", "Gibb", "Gogo", "Gomer", "Grekkor", "Grip", "Humpie", "Jag", "Jamal", "Jav", "Jarv", "Jay", "Jed", "Jesse", "Jett", "Jo", "John", "Jones", "Jonker", "Jory", "Jos", "Judd", "Kal", "Keeler", "Kim","Kit", "Lammy","Lan", "Lem", "Lester", "Lin", "Liz", "Lobb", "Lossy", "Luis", "Maggie", "Mary", "Midge", "Miko", "Min", "Mitt", "Mog", "Moon", "Natch", "Navarre", "Nee", "Nick", "Nill", "Nita", "Nokia", "Nugget", "Nym", "Orson", "Paz", "Pen", "Pete", "Piglet", "Plank", "Odd", "Oz", "Pat", "Pogey", "Pooch", "Pow", "Pru", "Pug", "Rabbit", "Rankin", "Ruddle", "Rue","Riddley", "Rin", "Rika", "Ruth", "Sal", "Scuttle", "Screech", "Shang", "Shrike", "Shrimp", "Smith", "Snail", "Snack", "Snow", "Sol", "Spike", "Spud", "Squid", "Slocum", "Sue", "Stew", "Steve", "Steak", "Stig", "Tang", "Tassie", "Tina", "Tom", "Toto", "Toxie", "Trank", "Tug", "Trey", "Trig", "Ty", "Twist", "Uta", "Wang", "Warnock", "Wei", "Vittles", "Vole", "Vonk", "Zed", "[pop Roles]", "[pop commonverbers]", "[pop complexnouns]", "[pop allbasicnames]", "[letterpop]", "[pop commonnouns][one of]man[or]femme[or]right[or]well[or]good[or]bad[purely at random]", "[pop commonadjs][one of]man[or]femme[purely at random]","[one of]Goss[or]Hack[or]Off[or]Under[purely at random]man", "[xifer]", "[dotter onesyllablenames]", "[sson onesyllablenames]", "[neoname]", "[pop chiefnames]"}.

[As a rule, onesyllablenames should only contain names which appear on other name-lists - hence why it's unordered.]

onesyllablenames is a list of texts that varies. onesyllablenames is {"Arp", "Bai", "Bing", "Bit", "Bo", "Boo","Bon", "Brat", "Brin", "Bub","Bud", "Clam","Cuff","Daff", "Dash", "Dou", "Drib","Flick", "Fran", "Fred", "Fry", "Gibb","Jarv", "Jay", "Jed","Jo", "Kal", "Kit", "Lin", "Liz", "Lobb","Midge","Min", "Mitt", "Mog", "Moon", "Nill", "Paz", "Pen", "Pete", "Plank","Nee", "Odd", "Pat", "Pow", "Pru", "Pug","Rin","Sal","Shang","Snack", "Snow", "Spud","Sue","Steak", "Stig", "Tang","Tug", "Trig", "Twist", "Wang","Zed", "Ann", "Ang","Ben", "Bill", "Biff", "Blue", "Cal", "Cass", "Cam","Colt", "Dan", "Dave", "Dee", "Dick","Grizz", "Hank", "Jack", "Joe", "Jim", "Kim", "Lee","Mack", "Mal","Mike", "Noor","Ping","Saul", "Shan", "Sig","Thor", "Ulf","Vic", "Wei", "Wen", "Wynn","Buzz","Cope","Gunn", "Jane", "Kate", "Mo","Sev","Viv", "Lem", "Doug", "Oz", "Nym", "Jos", "Judd", "Rhett", "Rue", "Rex", "Jag", "Char","Jav", "Lan", "Di", "Dez","Biz", "Grip", "Yaz", "Nick", "Tor", "Rhett", "Jett", "Luz", "Tom", "Ty", "John"}.

To say letterpop:

say "[one of]B[or]C[or]D[or]E[or]F[or]G[or]H[or]J[or]K[or]L[or]M[or]N[or]O[or]P[or]Q[or]R[or]S[or]T[or]U[or]V[or]W[or]X[or]Y[or]Z[purely at random]";

To say xifer:

let Z be the substituted form of "[pop onesyllablenames]";

if Z matches the regular expression "<aeiou>" begin;

let Q be the substituted form of "[one of]n[or]l[or]t[or]m[purely at random]";

now Z is the substituted form of "[Z][Q]";

end if;

now Z is the substituted form of "[Z]ifer";

say Z;

To say dotter (N - a list of texts):

let X be the number of entries in N;

let Q be a random number between 1 and X;

let Z be entry Q of N;

let ZA be the substituted form of Z;

let ZX be the number of characters in ZA;

let ZN be character number ZX in ZA;

say "[ZA]";

if ZN is not "s", say "s";

say "[one of]dotter[or]daughter[or]dochter[or]dokt[or]dot[purely at random]";

To say sson (N - a list of texts):

let X be the number of entries in N;

let Q be a random number between 1 and X;

let Z be entry Q of N;

let ZA be the substituted form of Z;

let ZX be the number of characters in ZA;

let ZN be character number ZX in ZA;

say "[ZA]";

if ZN is not "s", say "s";

say "[one of]on[or]en[purely at random]";

gangerbrief is a list of texts that varies. gangerbrief is {"[one of]way[or]much[or]entirely[or]far[purely at random] too [one of]old[or]young[or]nervous[or]stupid[or]gung-ho[or]innocent[or]smart[or]nice[or]sweet[or]tiny[or]squeamish[or]slow[or]tired[or]damaged[or]eager[or]soft[or]pregnant[or]broken[purely at random] [one of]for this shit[or]to be doing this[or]to live[purely at random]",

"[one of]handy[or]wicked[or]nasty[or]good[or]deadly[or]unsafe[or]terrifying[or]expert[or]highly trained[or]a menace[or]should not be left unsupervised[purely at random] with a[*a][pop basicweapon]",

"always [one of]hungry[or]thirsty[or]horny[or]sleepy[or]scared[or]freaked out[or]high[or]anxious[or]angry[or]strung-out[or]stoned[or]scheming[or]in trouble[or]looking for trouble[or]tweaking[purely at random]",

"[one of]after[or]out to steal[or]wants[or]way too interested in[or]gonna steal[purely at random] your [one of]man[or]woman[or]boots[or]car[or]favorite gun[or]dog[or]pants[or]bike[or]job[or]teeth[or]stash[or]affections[purely at random]",

"not to be [one of]fucked with[or]relied upon[or]taken seriously[or]trusted[or]outdone[or]pushed around[or]underestimated[purely at random]",

"[one of]loves[or]loves[or]love-hates[or]can't live without[or]hates[or]depends on[purely at random] [one of]their wife[or]their wives[or]their husbands[or]their husband[or]their leader[or]their gang[or]their people[or]their family[or]their top[or]their bottom[or][pop allnames]'s [pop fam][or]their comrades[or]their kids[or]their kid[or]their parents[or]their sister[or]their brother[or]their dog[purely at random][one of], just not enough[or] too much[or], doesn't deserve [']em[or] and apparently it's mutual[or] and it creeps everyone out[or] and never shuts up about it[or], gonna prove it[or][or], despite everything[or], too bad[or], to mutual destruction[or], has some choice words to deliver on the subject[or][purely at random]",

"[one of]formerly of[or]has beef with[or]got kicked out of[or]still loyal to[or]likely to defect to[or]got out of[or]escaped[or]used to be in[or]used to run with[or]used to head up[purely at random] the [pop mobnames]",

"[one of]best[or]worst[or]fastest[or]dirtiest[or]cheapest[or]smartest[or]luckiest[or]unluckiest[or]most reliable[or]most questionable[purely at random] [pop basicjobs] [one of]you know[or]in the hold[or]ever[or]in the gang[purely at random]",

"looks [one of]way too good[or]stunning[or]cute[or]astounding[or]delicious[or]awe-inspiring[or]amazing[or]terrifying[or]great[or]fierce[or]lush[or]a hot mess[or]breathtaking[or]devastating[or]deadly[purely at random] in [pop looksgood]",

"hates [one of]everyone[or]their [pop fam][or]sunlight[or]heights[or]noise[or]parties[or]solitude[or]men[or]women[or]children[or]killing[or]high speeds[or]the unknown[or]routine[or]change[or]responsibility[or]inactivity[purely at random]",

"[one of]enjoys[or]into[or]fond of[or]likes[purely at random] [pop hobbies]",

"has a [one of]literal[or]goddamn[or]fucking[or]motherfucking[or]honest-to-god[or]real fucking[or]bona-fide[purely at random] [one of][pop advweapons][or][pop transports][or][pop valuablethings][purely at random][one of] except that [pop allnames] stole it[or] and can't let anyone know[or] but can't use it properly[or] and is real good with it[or], which is a fucking liability[or] and still owes for it[or][or][or][purely at random]",

"[one of]one-eyed[or]one-armed[or]missing fingers[or]paraplegic[or]deaf[or]tongueless[or]asthmatic[or]fucked-up blood[or]in chronic pain[or]one-legged[or]fucked-up bones[or]fucked-up heart[or]fucked-up lungs[or]fucked-up knees[or]fucked-up joints[or]fucked-up hands[or]fucked-up skin[or]fucked-up face[or]fucked-up teeth[or]fucked-up guts[or]fucked-up nerves[or]fucked-up brain[or]dwarfism[or]gigantism[purely at random]",

"[one of]thinks they're[or]everyone assumes they're[or]has delusions of being[or]hopes to be[or]might be[or]possibly[or]probably[purely at random] [one of]next in line[or]heir apparent[or]the next leader[or]the real power[or]power behind the throne[purely at random]",

"[one of]knows[or]has gotten drunk with[or]has fought[or]has been punched by[or]has been shot at by[or]has pissed off[or]has had dealings with[or]has started shit with[or]has insulted[or]has flirted with[or]has fucked[purely at random] [one of]anyone who's anyone[or]everyone worth knowing[or]all the best people[purely at random] in the waste",

"[one of]a veteran of[or]was there at[or]was wounded at[or]barely got away alive from[or]claims they started[or]provoked[or]chickened out of[or]survived[or]was left for dead at[or]killed [pop allnames] at[or]picked up some scars at[or]earned their first blood at[or]was definitely not there at[or]showed up late for[or]full of bullshit about[or]won their stripes at[or]turned the tide at[or]doesn't like to talk about[or]won't say what happened at[purely at random] [pop battlestyles]",


"[pop hocusshit]",

"[pop brainershit]",

"aesthetic: [aestheticsample]",

"[pop famtroubles]",

"[one of]addicted to[or]a heavy user of[or]fond of[or]sells[or]a producer of[or]has a serious problem with[or]relies on[or]is seriously helped by[purely at random] [thedrug]"


To say thedrug:

say "[pop drugpats] ([anreppop drugcats][one of][or] / [noreppop drugcats][purely at random])";

[This is a specialist list; I haven't found a way to make clothing lists all work in different phrasings, so they're just proliferating.]

looksgood is a list of texts that varies. looksgood is {"army boots", "autumn colors", "aviator shades and a thong", "a ballgown", "black", "a blazer", "booty shorts", "brocade", "business aloha", "a cardigan", "a cassock", "chainmail", "chaps", "a chiton", "clingwrap", "a cocktail dress", "a codpiece", "a corset", "culottes", "cut-out panties", "feathers", "fetishwear", "fishnet", "fishing boots", "formal wear", "furs", "garters", "glam wear","goggles", "gold", "hakama", "a harness", "a headscarf", "heels", "jeggings", "jodhpurs", "knee-breeches", "lace","latex","leather", "lingerie", "a little black dress", "leopard print", "lycra", "masks", "motley", "mud and a gas mask", "the nude","pasties", "pastels", "a parka", "pauldrons", "a pencil skirt", "pink", "pleather", "a poncho", "a power suit", "purple", "rawhide", "red", "riding boots", "riding breeches", "running tights", "sequins","shades", "short shorts","shoulder pads", "silk", "silver", "a skirt", "spiked leather", "stilettos","studs", "swimwear", "tactical pants", "a tank-top", "thigh boots", "thigh-highs", "a toga", "a trash bag", "a tux", "uniform", "velvet", "vinyl", "a waistcoat", "webbing", "a wedding dress", "white", "yellow", "yoga pants", "[pop styles] gear"}.

plwordwear is a list of texts that varies. plwordwear is {"army boots", "autumn colors", "aviator shades", "bandage-wraps","ballgowns","beads","big boots", "booty shorts", "blazers", "cardigans", "cassocks", "chains","chaps", "chitons", "cloaks", "cocktail dresses", "codpieces", "corsets", "culottes", "cut-out panties", "dreadlocks", "feathers", "fishing boots", "furs", "garters", "gladiator sandals", "hakama", "harnesses", "headscarves", "heels", "hoods", "jeggings", "jodhpurs", "kilts","knee-breeches", "knits","little black dresses", "gas masks", "pasties", "pastels", "parkas", "pauldrons", "pencil skirts", "piercings", "pinstripes", "pockets","ponchos", "power suits", "riding boots", "riding breeches","rhinestones", "running tights", "sandals", "sequins", "short shorts","shoulder pads", "sequins", "skirts", "statement necklaces", "stilettos", "straps", "tactical pants", "tank-tops","tattoos", "thigh boots", "thigh-highs", "thongs", "togas", "trash bags", "tuxedos", "waistcoats", "wedding dresses", "yoga pants"}.

swordwear is a list of texts that varies. swordwear is {"bedazzling", "big hair", "black", "black leather", "brocade","business aloha","cammo","chainmail", "clingwrap","denim","detailing", "fetishwear", "fishnet", "formal wear","ghillie", "glam", "glitter", "gold", "hazmat", "jewelry", "lace","latex","leather","leopard print", "lingerie", "lycra", "mesh", "motley","nudity","patchwork","pink","plaid", "pleather","purple", "rawhide", "ragged wear", "red","scary hair", "silk", "silver", "spiked leather", "steel plate","swimwear", "uniform", "velvet","vintage wear", "vinyl","webbing", "white", "yellow","[pop styles] gear", "cut-outs", "body oil", "begrimed skin", "body-paint", "scarification"}.

To say gangplan:

say "[one of]Right now they're[or]Recently they've been[or]Just now they're[or]They're[purely at random] [pop gangplanlist][yesbutgang]";

clusterbutt is a truth state that varies. clusterbutt is false.

To say yesbutgang:

if clusterbutt is false, say "[one of][or], but [pop gangbuts][purely at random]";

To say cluster:

now clusterbutt is true;

gangplanlist is a list of texts that varies. gangplanlist is {

"engaged in petty banditry and opportunistic raiding",

"[one of]poking around in[or]scavenging around[or]digging around in[or]picking over[purely at random] [one of]the ruins of a pre-fall settlement[or]the ruins of a giant pre-fall building[or]a burned-out hardhold[or]a vast landfill[or]an underground complex[purely at random]",

"[one of]hiding out[or]on the run[or]escaping[or]fleeing[or]running away[purely at random] from [one of]the [pop mobnames][or][pop holdernames][purely at random]",

"employed as mercenary [one of]bodyguards[or]privateers[or]enforcers[or]scouts[or]tax-collectors[or]debt-collectors[or]auxiliaries[or]caravan guards[purely at random]",

"[one of]waiting on the ransom for the[or]plotting to kidnap the[or]searching for the mysteriously-missing[or]blackmailing the[or]hunting after the runaway[purely at random] [pop fam] of [one of][pop allnames], a wealthy trader[or]a hardholder, [pop hardholders][or]a warlord, [pop hardholders][or]the gang-chief [pop namegangchief][or]the maestro [pop maestrotitles][purely at random]",

"[one of]hunting down[or]out for the bounty on[or]providing cover for[or]providing sanctuary for[or]chasing after[or]bringing back, in chains,[purely at random] the [one of]notorious [or]feared [or]bloodthirsty [or]legendary [or]hated [or]depraved [or]grotesque [or]popular [or]storied [or]infamous [or][purely at random][one of]rebel[or]bandit[or]murderer[or]cannibal[or]mercenary[or]assassin[or]criminal[or]pretender[or]former hardholder[purely at random] [pop allnames]",

"[one of]in[or]occupied with[or]consumed by[or]engaged in[or]having[purely at random] a [one of]blood-feud[or]turf war[or]pissing match[or]power-struggle[or]beef[or]gang war[purely at random] with the [pop mobnames]",

"idle, hungry and [one of]dangerous[or]desperate[or]taking it out on one another[or]falling apart[or]infighting[purely at random][cluster]",

"flush from a big score, and squandering it on [one of]high living[or]gambling[or][pop drugpats][or]drugs[or]luxe gear[or]booze and whores[or]a dubious investment[or]lavish eating[or]nightly [noreppop maestrolist] and [noreppop maestrolist] at [pop pubnames][purely at random][cluster]",

"working as watchmen over a herd of valuable free-range [one of]alligators[or]sheep[or]hogs[or]cattle[or]ostriches[or]kangaroo[or]goats[or]buffalo[or]goats[or]capybaras[purely at random]",

"[one of]extorting[or]brutalising[or]threatening[or]shaking down[or]menacing[purely at random] the good folk of [pop hardnames] for protection tribute",

"planning a[one of]n audacious[or] suicidal[or] dawn[or] dusk[or] midnight[or] broad-daylight[or] dagger-in-the-back[or] scorched-earth[or] cunning[or] stealthy[or] lightning[purely at random] raid on the [one of]village[or]hardhold[or]town[or]settlement[or]fortress[or]encampment[purely at random] of [pop hardnames]",

"[one of]plotting[or]hired[or]compelled to[or]scheming to[purely at random] to assassinate [one of][or][or][or][or]the [pop fam] of [purely at random][one of][pop allnames], a wealthy trader[or]the hardholder [pop hardholders][or]the warlord [pop hardholders][or]the gang-chief [pop namegangchief][or]the maestro [pop maestrotitles][or]the prophet [pop allnames][or]the brainer [pop allnames][or]the hocus [pop allnames][or]the battlebabe [pop allnames][or]the savvyhead [pop allnames][purely at random]",

"running a scam on [one of]the good people of [pop hardnames][or]the hardholder [pop hardholders][purely at random]",

"trying to [one of]move[or]smuggle[or]get rid of[or]steal[or]stash[or]dispose of[or]get paid for[or]find a buyer for[purely at random] a[one of] trash-bag of drugs[or] shipment of [thedrug][or]n extremely stolen [pop transports][or] beautiful but impractical sports car[or] giant fucking artillery-piece[or] [pop valuablethings][purely at random]"


gangbuts is a list of texts that varies. gangbuts is


"[one of]most[or]some[purely at random] of the [one of]crew[or]rank and file[or]gang[or]old-timers[or]new members[purely at random] [one of]are having second thoughts about it[or]are getting nervous about it[or]think they're getting played[or]figure it's all a setup[or]are getting bored[or]are getting freaked out[or]are uncomfortable about the whole deal[purely at random]",

"something or someone is [one of]stalking them at night[or]picking them off one by one[or]laying traps for them[purely at random]",

"this has [one of]pissed off[or]drawn the attention of[or]angered[or]interfered with the schemes of[or]inconvenienced[purely at random] [one of]the [pop mobnames][or][pop hardholders][or]the folk of [pop hardnames][purely at random]",

"the [pop mobnames] are gonna [one of]get there first[or]horn in on their racket[or]stop them[or]run interference[or]come after them[purely at random]",

"they've already [one of]completely screwed it up[or]played themselves[or]ensured that they'll never get paid[or]fucked up the whole plan[purely at random]",

"someone within the gang is [one of]sabotaging the whole effort[or]passing information to the enemy[or]setting them up for failure[or]playing both sides against one another[or]suffering from a guilty conscience[or]losing their shit[purely at random]",

"in the process they've [one of]killed some people[or]broken some shit[or]set a few things on fire[or]made some big threats[or]run their mouths too much[or]twisted some arms[or]hurt [pop allnames]'s [pop fam][purely at random] and it's going to [one of]come back on them[or]come back to haunt them[or]blow up in their faces[or]mean big trouble[purely at random]",

"their leader is distracted by [pop leaderdistraction]"


leaderdistraction is a list of texts that varies. leaderdistraction is {"family troubles", "a new romance", "an old flame", "a weird love triangle", "a totally inappropriate crush", "a personal rivalry", "a [one of]newly-resurfaced[or]long-suppressed[purely at random] trauma", "a side-gig", "a secret infirmity", "their [pop famtroubles] [pop fam]", "their quixotic quest for the white [downpop beasts]", "their recent conversion to the worship of [pop godnames]", "an advanced pregnancy", "their [pop drugpats] habit"}.

fam is a list of texts that varies. fam is {"wi[*fe]", "husband", "spouse", "brother", "sister", "sibling", "girlfriend", "boyfriend", "daughter", "son", "child[if sing-last is 2]ren[reckon][end if]", "niece", "nephew", "mother", "father","squeeze", "primar[*ies]", "secondar[*ies]", "metamor", "fianc[one of][or]e[purely at random]e"}.

[I'm keeping grandwhatever and cousin relations out of this on the assumption that most people in Apocalypse World don't get to live that long, or form families that extended.]

famtroubles is a list of texts that varies. famtroubles is {"blundering", "conniving", "constantly interfering", "dangerously ill", "demanding", "disabled", "dying", "hapless", "hopeless", "irrepressible", "jealous", "long-lost", "mentally ill", "needy", "overprotective", "picaresque", "rascally", "ruthlessly ambitious", "scheming", "toxic", "violent", "vulnerable", "wayward"}.

basicweapon is a list of texts that varies. basicweapon is {"baseball bat[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand messy)[end if]", "bayonet[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "bolas[*es][if nerdage is true](close refill S-harm)[end if]", "claw hammer[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand messy)[end if]", "club[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand messy)[end if]", "chain-flail[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close messy)[end if]", "cosh[*es][if nerdage is true] (2-harm intimate)[end if]", "crowbar[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand messy)[end if]", "crossbow[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close slow)[end if]", "cudgel[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand messy)[end if]", "cutlass[*es][if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand)[end if]", "dagger[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "fire axe[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy)[end if]", "flail[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy)[end if]", "grenade[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close area reload messy)[end if]", "harpoon[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy)[end if]", "hand cannon[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close reload)[end if]", "handgun[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close reload loud)[end if]", "hatchet[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "hunting rifle[if nerdage is true] (3-harm far loud)[end if]", "javelin[if nerdage is true] (2-harm refill close)[end if]","kni[*fe][if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]","lumphammer[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand)[end if]", "machete[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy)[end if]", "magnum[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close reload loud)[end if]", "panga[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy)[end if]", "pipe bomb[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close area refill messy)[end if]", "pipe gun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close slow messy)[end if]", "razor[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand intimate)[end if]", "length[if sing-last is 2]s[end if] of rebar[reckon][if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "recurve bow[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close)[end if]", "revolver[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close reload loud)[end if]", "sawn-off[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close reload messy)[end if]", "shotgun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close messy)[end if]", "shiv[if nerdage is true] (2-harm intimate)[end if]", "sleeve pistol[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close reload loud)[end if]", "spear[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand)[end if]", "switchblade[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]","throwing kni[*fe][if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand/close infinite)[end if]", "wood axe[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "[pop advweapons]"}.

advweapons is a list of texts that varies. advweapons is {"broadsword[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand valuable)[end if]", "chainsaw[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy slow)[end if]", "combat shotgun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close loud)[end if]", "compound bow[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close/far)[end if]", "flamethrower[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close messy slow)[end if]", "garotte[if nerdage is true] (4-harm slow intimate)[end if]", "grenade launcher[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close area messy)[end if]", "grenade tube[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close area reload messy)[end if]", "kalashnikov[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close/far loud autofire)[end if]", "katana[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand valuable)[end if]", "machine gun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close/far autofire messy)[end if]", "mall-ninja [one of]polearm[or]flail[or]chain-weapon[at random][if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand area)[end if]", "mall-ninja [one of]sword[or]axe[or]blade[or]club[at random][if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand)[end if]", "mortar[if nerdage is true] (7-harm far reload area messy braced)[end if]", "naginata[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand messy autofire)[end if]", "road lance[if nerdage is true] (4-harm hand braced slow)[end if]", "riot gun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close loud)[end if]", "rocket-powered grenade[if nerdage is true] (6-harm far area messy)[end if]", "scalpel[if nerdage is true] (3-harm intimate hi-tech)[end if]", "scimitar[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand valuable)[end if]", "speargun[if nerdage is true] (3-harm close reload)[end if]", "sniper rifle[if nerdage is true] (3-harm far hi-tech)[end if]", "submachine gun[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close autofire loud)[end if]", "taser[if nerdage is true] (s-harm close reload)[end if]", "telescoping baton[if nerdage is true] (2-harm hand)[end if]", "vintage handgun[if nerdage is true] (2-harm close reload loud valuable)[end if]", "harpoon gun[if nerdage is true] (4-harm close/far emplaced slow)[end if]", "zweihander[if nerdage is true] (3-harm hand slow)[end if]"}.

[Generate mall-ninja weapons?]

oneweapons is a list of texts that varies. oneweapons is {}.

[oneweapons is all of the basic and adv weapons that can be turned into a single word for naming purposes.]

transports is a list of texts that varies. transports is {"APC", "battle wagon", "helicopter", "horse", "hovercraft", "light aircraft", "monster truck", "mountain bike", "muscle car","road train", "rocket car", "seaplane", "SUV", "tank", "ultralight aircraft"}.

valuablethings is a list of texts that varies. valuablethings is {"weed grow", "portable generator", "black iron gym", "fruit tree", "fishing spot", "secret hideout", "printing press", "high-power telescope", "computer", "treasure trove", "movie projector", "phonograph", "two-way radio", "radio-control drone", "source for [thedrug]", "stash of [pop drugpats]", "roomful of fetish gear"}.

basicjobs is a list of texts that varies. basicjobs is {"bodyguard", "bookie", "brewer", "butcher", "carver", "cobbler", "cook", "courier", "dealer", "driver", "electrician", "hunter", "hustler", "lieutenant", "lookout", "mechanic", "midwi[*fe]", "moonshiner", "musician", "negotiator", "packer", "planter", "raider", "scavenger", "scout", "snitch[*es]", "storyteller", "tanner", "tattooist", "toad[*ies]", "trapper", "thie[*f]", "welder", "wayfinder", "whore"}.

hobbies is a list of texts that varies. hobbies is {"beading", "bouldering", "bonsai", "breath play", "calligraphy", "chess", "contact juggling", "dancing", "edging", "exhibitionism", "feet", "Go", "hackey-sack", "hot goss", "knitting", "knife play", "mathematics", "meditation", "parkour", "photography", "[one of]formal[or]modernist[or]epic[or]Greek[or]metaphysical[or]Latin[purely at random] poetry", "pottery", "power exchange", "puzzles", "pyrography", "quilting", "rollerskating", "scrapbooking", "shibari", "[one of]stamp[or]coin[or]bone[or]gun[or]hair[or]trophy[or]rock[or]tech[or]silverware[or]mug[or]book[or]shoe[or]skull[or]scalp[or]tooth[or]license-plate[or]credit-card[or]art[or]vinyl[or]map[or]bottle[purely at random]-collecting", "vore", "voyeurism", "yoga", "[one of]romance[or]mystery[or]horror[or]early British[or]Victorian[or]pulp[or]fin-du-siecle[or]erotic[or]Russian[or]feminist[or]confessional[or]magical realist[or]middlebrow[or]crime[or]political thriller[or]paranormal romance[purely at random] novels", "[pop MusicTypes]", "[pop pervpatterns]", "[pop gambles]", "[one of][pop oldschools][or][pop artadjs][or][pop artadjs] [pop oldschools][purely at random] [plure][pop arttypes][s]"}.

To say prosthetic:

say "has [pop proslooks] prosthetic [one of]hand[or]half-arm[or]arm[or]foot[or]half-leg[or]leg[or]eye[or]ear[or]jaw[purely at random], which [noreppop prosfeatures][one of][or] and [noreppop prosfeatures][purely at random][izout]";

proslooks is a list of texts that varies. proslooks is {"a handbuilt", "a mechanical", "a smooth", "a utilitarian", "a grotesque", "an ornate", "a buckled-on", "a showy", "a startling", "a fragile", "an organic"}.

prosfeatures is a list of texts that varies. prosfeatures is {"[**is]fine-tuned", "[one of][**is]responsive[or][**is]slow[purely at random]", "[**is][one of]comfortable[or]itchy[or]uncomfortably hot[purely at random]", "[**is]formidable", "[one of]needs constant tinkering[or][**is]easily maintained[purely at random]", "has interchangeable components", "[one of][**is]integrated with the meat[or]has a complicated harness[or]slips[purely at random]", "[**is]strong", "[**is]untiring", "[**is]really heavy", "requires fuel", "[**is]loud", "whispers to the world's psychic maelstrom"}.

izzy is a number that varies. izzy is 0.

to say **is:

if izzy is 0 begin;

say "is ";

now izzy is 1;

end if;

to say izout:

now izzy is 0;

gangeraesthetic is a list of texts that varies. gangeraesthetic is {"beads", "bedazzling", "bones", "chainmail", "fetishwear", "fur", "glam", "hazmat gear", "knits", "lace", "latex", "luxe wear", "lycra", "mesh", "motley", "patchwork", "steel plate", "chains", "ragged wear", "ghillie", "silk", "velvet", "vintage wear", "webbing", "bare skin", "oiled skin", "begrimed skin", "goggles", "a corset", "feathers", "a mask", "painted skin", "scarified skin", "straps", "tattooed skin", "nudity", "a facemask", "shades", "studs", "piercings", "pleather", "big hair", "jewelry", "scary hair", "abundant pockets", "bandage-wraps", "black leather", "rawhide", "a hood", "a cloak", "dreadlocks", "skinhead", "a helmet", "a stylish hat", "a practical hat", "detailing", "medals", "trophies", "uniform", "big boots", "pinstripes", "plaid", "cammo", "denim", "spikes", "sequins", "a skirt", "a kilt", "rhinestones", "gang patches", "black trash bags"}.

to say aestheticsample:

let N be gangeraesthetic;

sort N in random order;

truncate N to 3 entries;

say N;

gangspecials is a list of texts that varies.

gangspecials is {

"They are masters of camouflage, able to completely disappear in the waste",

"They are expert trackers, ",

"They're savvy traders,",

"They're excellent trappers,",

"They're schemers and intriguers, ",

"They carefully foster a reputation of savage ferocity, intimidating their foes",

"They're con-artists",

"They're "
