Apocalypse Fuel — 2 of 18

Sam Kabo Ashwell

Release 9

Volume - Frontier Bibliographer

Include Vorple Screen Effects by Juhana Leinonen.

Include Vorple Hyperlinks by Juhana Leinonen.

Include Vorple Command Prompt Control by Juhana Leinonen.

Include Vorple Element Manipulation by Juhana Leinonen.

Include Vorple Multimedia by Juhana Leinonen.



* Brainer shit.


* WEIRD MYTHS (how does one even work these in)

* More car stuff, ugh.

* ''apocalyptica', i.e. more weird/maelstromish stuff in general

* Slavery? (as optional mod)

* procgen body horror

* convert mods interface

* make content-warning Vorply


To say i -- running on: say "[italic type]".

To say /i -- running on: say "[roman type]".

To say p -- running on: say "[paragraph break]".

To say br -- running on: say "[line break]".

To say b -- running on: say "[bold type]".

To say /b -- running on: say "[roman type]".

To say ob -- running on: say "[bracket]".

To say cb -- running on: say "[close bracket]".

To say co -- running on: say "[i][ob]";

To say /co -- running on: say "[no line break][cb][/i][line break]";

To say wait for any key: wait for any key.

To say clear the screen: clear the screen.

Use MAX_STATIC_DATA of 900000.


Use MAX_SYMBOLS of 40000.

Use MAX_ARRAYS of 20000.

Abooting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "about" or "info" or "credits" as abooting.

The display banner rule is not listed in the startup rulebook.

Instead of abooting:

place an "hr" element;

follow the display banner rule;

say "[br]For Cat Manning. Based upon Apocalypse World 2nd Edition, by D. Vincent Baker and Meguey Baker. Aside from the excellent variable text tools of Inform 7, the simple approach to text generation closely follows Kate Compton's Tracery. Some of Darius Kazemi's corpora were shamelessly cannibalised for this, and partway through I realised that certain patterns were showing up - particularly for hardholds - that I probably derived from Emily Short's Annals of the Parrigues. Thanks are due to Katherine Morayati for testing, corpora suggestions and general enthusiasm; Matthew Balousek for advice; Bruno Dias for code suggestions; furkle for fielding my neophyte CSS questions; Brendan Patrick Hennessy and Juxi for regrettable fashion guidance; and to Cat Manning for suggesting the whole idea. Deep gratitude goes to Juhana Leinonen, for Vorple; and, as always, to Graham Nelson, Emily Short et al. for Inform 7.[p]";

[say "[b]Content warning:[/b] [warningtext] [p]";]

say "Suggestions, comments, bug reports, additions, modules, and undying appreciation are all very much welcomed: magadog@gmail.com. While the license means that you don't have to ask for permission to use anything in here, I'd probably be interested in hearing about it.[p]More: ";

place a link to command "changelog" reading "changelog, ", without showing the command;

place a link to web site "source.html" reading "source code, ";

place a link to command "license" reading "license.", without showing the command;

say "[p]";

[[p]Further information: CHANGELOG, COMMANDS.";]

Licensing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "license" as licensing.

Instead of licensing:

place an "hr" element;

say "Apocalypse Fuel and its source code are licensed under ";

place a link to web site "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/" reading "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0";

say ", which is roughly to say that you can do what you like with it as long as you credit the author, don't make money from it, and use the same license for anything you make with it. Inform 7 and Vorple remain under their respective licenses: I7 is copyright Graham Nelson et al. (albeit under permissive terms), and Vorple is released under ";

place a link to web site "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" reading "CC BY 4.0";

say ".[p]";

To say warningtext:

say "[p]Apocalypse World is an nasty, desperate place and best-described with nasty, desperate words. You can expect to find lots of references to sex, kink, drugs, disease, disability, violence, cruelty, blood and guts, cults and occultism, gaslighting and other brainfuckery, and general themes of hardship, scarcity and vulnerability; various objectionable language about mental health, disability, sex workers and women as sexual entities; as well as occasional reference to infanticide, torture, and kidnapping. Also intentional are results that might appear inconsistent about gender; it's up to you to figure out what that means in your world.[p]In the base lists, I've tried to avoid direct reference to rape and slavery, and racist, homophobic and transphobic slurs. Still, recombination may very occasionally produce results that suggest those themes, although the corpus has been pared down to avoid the more common offenders. Add-on modules will have warnings as appropriate.[p]

A caveat on how you use this thing: [b]generated content is not meant to be used as-is[/b], but as a starting-point or inspiration for the actual creative process. I strongly encourage you to cut out, elaborate upon, mix and match, and change around things to suit the tone and content that are appropriate to your campaign. [p]Finally, if you're going to play Apocalypse World, do it with people you respect and trust.[p]";

place a link to the command "Yes" reading "I'm OK with that.[br]", without showing the command;

place a link to web site "https://heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com/my-games/" reading "Not for me, thanks.", opening in the same window;

if the player consents begin;

clear the screen;

end if;

Changelogging is an action applying to nothing. Understand "changelog" or "log" or "changes" as changelogging.

Instead of changelogging:

place an "hr" element;

say "[b]Possibly-planned features:[/b][br]* options to include or disinclude certain content? probably pretty onerous[br]* more modules, expanding the Marshlands module so it's actually useful, adding to Blighty for hocus/brainer shit[br]* way more stuff on brainers, who are still kinda neglected[br]* more knobs and dials, e.g. to tweak how many NPCs get generated per group? doubtfully useful[br]* better code commenting[br]* actually plug in a few lists that are currently vestigial, or get rid of them entirely[br]* make cult NPCs more distinctive, possibly (per suggestion of KM) by some version of Puritan-style virtue naming[br]* continue expanding lists, corpora-tweaking is life (suggestions welcomed).[p][b]Definitely outside the scope of this project:[/b][br]* any sophisticated, topic-sensitive system to pass information around and pick new options based on it, so that (e.g.) we know that the Maestro D's place is focused on food so we give it a food-oriented title, have a chance of assigning its NPCs cooking-type roles and names, that kind of thing. ('This person is in a Maestro D's cast and crew, so give them [i]some[/i] kind of cast-and-crew kind of role' is more workable.) This would require deeper modeling of lots of things that, at present, are represented only as strings; moreover, this is a hopeful-monster kind of project, not intended to generate polished content for direct use, so a certain amount of messiness is all to the good.[br]* similarly, cross-referencing between already existing gangs in an attempt to hint at a consistent world[br]* any system to consistently mark or respect gender; see above[br]* determining what kind of Threats the MC should play groups as - going this route isn't really possible without making it the foundational choice of generation, and I'd rather leave it up to you whether you're more interested in, e.g., playing a given cult as a Cult, Sybarites, a Family etc.";

say "[p][b]CHANGELOG[/b][br]


* converted to web-friendly Vorple; a lot of reworking to reflect this[br]

* a good deal more stuff for cults, including relics and holy books[br]

* general corpora additions


* added martyr-generation for hocus cults and a few other places[br]

* got no-repetition selections working properly; added a/an distinction[br]

* more attention to vehicles[br]

* a great deal of variety added to Maestro establishments, some of which gets referenced in other places: weird sex, drugs, music, food, gossip, gambling, spectacle and so forth[br]

* general corpora additions

[p][b]v.7 (first public release):[/b][br]

* messed around with website somewhat; OBNOXIOUS FONT CHOICES[br]

* warning text now prompts on game start[br]

* some wording reworked


* general corpora additions[br]

* changed how basic selection from a list works; this improves performance considerably[br]

* lots of tweaks, rearrangement, commenting in run-up to public release


* revamped NPC-outfit concept[br]

* general corpora additions[br]

* added REMOVE to deactivate a mod; failed to figure out how to automate this, short of a total overhaul of how lists are organised[br]

* cover art[br]

* less awful title[br]

* too-small-to-be-a-real-gang as a potential size for certain styles of basic gang[br]

* overhauled sprawly ABOUT text into several sections[br]

* quietly moved FakeStreet, a lewd in-joke, into obscurity[br]

* parser errors - most importantly, the one for no command entered - now generate a gang[br]

* gang-stats reporting more consistent: now needs STATS ON to turn it on


* general corpora additions[br]

* added cults as a gang-type; a lot of new stuff here, although some lists could do with padding[br]

* relatedly, the CULT verb, and GANG verb for if you just want vanilla gangs)[br]

* NAMES command, which generates a bunch of NPC names and nothing else


* fixed a bug that sometimes gave multiple maestro cast the same name as the establishment; then kinda-unfixed it because it was good[br]

* added a bunch of brainer and hocus shit; this will probably be expanded but right now it mostly adds hocus / brainer influence on NPCs[br]

* organised code into some semblance or rationality[br]

* references to battles and non-hold places; probably needs to get more outlandish[br]

* began Marshlands, an environment-focused module[br]

* general corpora additions


* tweaked probability so that gangers get two character notes, rather than one, more often[br]

* added Blighty, a test-case for how adding modules might work[br]

* made hardholds sometimes be named for hardholders[br]

* assorted corpora additions[br]

* added commands to specifically request a hardhold or Maestro D' outfit[br]

* schemes for gangs; cast-and-crew drama for maestro outfits[br]"

Commanding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "commands" or "help" as commanding.

Instead of commanding:

say "Command list:[p]

[b]JUMP[/b] or [b]J[/b] - Generate a random group. (Or anything, really. Just hitting return is easiest.)[br]

[b]GANG[/b] - Generate a standard gang.[br]

[b]MAESTRO[/b] or [b]M[/b] - Generate a maestro d['] establishment.[br]

[b]HOLD[/b] or [b]H[/b] - Generate a hardhold.[br]

[b]CULT[/b] or [b]C[/b] - Generate a cult.[p]

[b]NAMES[/b] - Generate a list of NPC names.[p]

[b]STATS ON[/b] to generate AW stats for various things, which is potentially useful but breaks up the text rather; [b]STATS OFF[/b] to turn it off again. Not meant to be exhaustive - you might decide that something in a gang's description qualifies it as +unruly, for instance.[br]

[b]EXAMINE module[/b] - Read the description of a module.

[b]USE module[/b], or just the name of the module alone - Add a module's content to the corpora. Can be repeated in order to strengthen the effect.[br]

[b]REMOVE module[/b] - Remove the module's content from the corpora entirely.[p]

[b]COMMANDS[/b] or [b]HELP[/b] - this screen[br]

[b]CHANGELOG[/b], [b]LOG[/b] - the changelog[br]

[b]ABOUT[/b] - for credits, warnings, etc.[br]"

Understand "j" or "go" as jumping. [Instead of jumping: gangform.]

The release number is 9.

The story headline is "an MC tool".

The story description is "A brainstorming tool for the role-playing game Apocalypse World; intended for the use of MCs, it generates brief concepts and apocalypse-barf names for NPC gangs and other communities, as well as names and simple hooks for NPCs. It is a writing-prompt generator, rather than a composer of completed stories; the user is expected to edit and build on its output."

[Release along with a website, an interpreter, cover art ("Several versions of a woman's head and shoulders, with different post-apocalyptic backgrounds and outfits") and the source text.]

Release along with a website, cover art and the source text.

FakeStreet is a room. [The description of FakeStreet is "Basic commands: just hit return to generate a random group.[br]X / EXAMINE (MOD) to read the description of a module, and USE (MOD) to add it to the corpora.[br]HOLD , MAESTRO, CULT and GANG generate that kind of group, rather than picking at random.[br]NAMES to generate a bunch of NPC names, without descriptions.[br]ABOUT for credits, content warnings, etc; HELP for the full command list."] The printed name of FakeStreet is "".